
Geoff Davis

Geoff Davis is an Artificial Intelligence researcher at the University of the Arts London in ethical studies relating to generated material and computer text art. He has a Masters in Electronic Arts from Middlesex University Cat Hill. As an undergraduate, he studied Biochemistry and has a BA in Psychology from Sheffield University. He is a trained humanistic counsellor. An innovator, communicator, teacher and writer who has lived and worked in Europe, Africa and Asia, he runs Story Software, a creativity apps company.

Micro Arts was founded by Geoff to support artists and make wide-ranging computer art accessible to the public, inspired by the diversity and accessibility of the London experimental film and video scene. After a career in computing as a programmer on mainframes and minis, networking dealing rooms, and web and technical management for large US companies in London and abroad, he joined NESTA, the UK innovation trust as a manager. His teaching experience includes computing and graphics at ILEA (London), Sheffield Psalter Lane Art College, the London Institute and private training. As an innovator, Geoff developed ‘eco’ buildings in London and was a founder member of the UK’s Sustainable Development Commission SDC. His writing has been published by PEN International and others.

included in The Micro Arts Collection.
